Bullhead City, AZ
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The programs included in the Human Services Department provide direct services to the community, particularly to those in need and those that rely on these essential services for their health, safety, independence, and mobility. Many of the programs receive federal funding and the City collaborates with other local, state, federal, and non-profit agencies to provide the services.
Activity Description:
Housing Division: works to secure a variety of funding sources to implement a comprehensive owner-occupied housing rehabilitation program, which is designed to benefit qualified low and moderate income families in Bullhead City. The goal of the program is to upgrade living conditions that are decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable by making home improvements that would preserve and improve the quality, appearance, and long-term life of Bullhead City’s existing owner-occupied housing stock.
Public Transportation Programs: includes Bullhead Area Transit System (BATS) and the Bullhead City Senior Center Transportation Program: BATS is the exclusive public transportation provider within the city limits (Bullhead City Code Chapter 13.12.020). The mission of the Transit System is to provide safe, efficient, and accessible transportation, enhancing the livability of the community, and serving as a vital component of the local economy. The program was established in December 2000 as a demand-response program. In 2003, the program transitioned to a fixed-route system with complimentary paratransit service. The fixed routes provide hourly service on weekdays and service every two hours on Saturdays. Registered Dial-a-Ride passengers receive curb-to-curb service during regular service hours. The Senior Center Transportation Program provides transportation services designed to encourage independence, enhanced quality of life, and social interaction for the elderly and disabled. Qualified volunteer drivers help passengers that generally require assistance with mobility. Primary destinations include dialysis, physician offices, hospital and other medical facilities, pharmacies, post office, shopping centers, and the senior nutrition center.
Senior Nutrition Program: provides nutrition services that enable senior residents age 60 and older to maintain independent living. Hot nutritionally balanced noon meals are delivered to authorized homebound clients and served to participants in the Senior Nutrition Center. The program seeks to serve individuals who are in greatest economic or social need. Staff augments the program by providing group activities and nutrition education on a regular basis.
Pest Abatement Program: Bullhead City and the Bullhead City Pest Abatement District have partnered via an intergovernmental agreement to work together to deal with increasing pest management needs. The City employs a Pest Abatement Manager with financial support from the Pest Abatement District. The Pest Abatement Manager coordinates with Mohave County and Clark County to manage the black fly, caddisfly and mosquito control programs.